
Discover our range of resources for staff and students.

As a new staff member, you'll need to learn to manage potential workplace hazards and know what to do in an emergency.

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A useful resource providing information about various organisations that work in the area of health, safety and wellbeing.

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Explore our collection of health and safety topics. These contain important information that helps protect our University community from harm.

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Being exposed to trauma can be a life-changing event, and assistance can help prevent post-traumatic injury.

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Medical and first aid emergencies

Follow these steps in a medical or first aid emergency.

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Injuries and death are traumatic, but procedures must be followed to protect and respect those affected.

Follow procedures

Warden duties

Wardens play a critical role at the University in emergency situations.

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Make sure you report concerns, incidents and hazards as soon as possible. It's essential information.

Act now

Stop, think, act! Learn how you can protect yourself and others in an emergency situation.

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